When we launched the BLI (Business Line Installation) series of products at the beginning of the year, whose features are primarily related to the fact Continue Reading
2425 DIVIDA live system at KIMIKO
If you need some power with extraordinary sound clarity and transparency, try 2425 DIVIDA with 1804 TAURUS. On this stage DELILA near fills were used Continue Reading
2824 DELILA in Hamburg Tivoli
If extraordinary sound is needed for Tivoli dance event in Hamburg Cadenbach Acoustics is the first choice. See this small video, you can here the Continue Reading
Club installation in Berlin
The Door Boutique Club just opened, the choise was to use Cadenbach Acoustics to achieve an outstanding sound. 2 x ARAMIS 1223, 2 x TEUTAES Continue Reading
DELILA system on live DJ event with TEUTATES sub extensions, TAMARIS center subs and Cadenbach Acoustics amping. Check out with short video.
Interview with the rock band “Melnitsa”
check out this interview from a rock band that used DELILA and some more Cadenbach Acoustics loudspeakers. Russian rock band “Melnitsa in Astrakhan” Setup: System Engineer: Continue Reading
Eis Sports Hall gets new speakers
Installing for the first time the brand new 2433 ARCANSA loudspeakers, here each hang is a cluster of two ARCANSA double 12inch point matrix loudspeakers.
Russia: Victory Day in Astrakhan.
ADK Arkadiya provides a PA system for the victory day in the city of Astrakhan with sound engineer Alexander Andrienko. PA: Delila 2.8; Subwoofer: Totec Continue Reading